They are great to stare at, and they are really fun to drive too! Have you ever wondered how they achieve those brilliant colours and beautiful colours? Usually it is painted because we want to see the car is looks pretty and glaze but best places to put paint on the car? Which is where a special location known as the paint booth enters the image! With specially equipped painting booths, we can make your car look brand new again.
But why would you need a paint booth for your car? Well, first of all a paint booth is nice because it keeps everything clean while the painting is going on. This is the same as painting a car, some paint particles fly away and will get a mess. But a paint booth has special filters that would trap this paint and ensure that the surrounding area stays clean and organized. They are non-toxic, keeping the surrounding environment clean as well!
And using a paint booth gives you the perfect opportunity to control every single aspect of how the paint lays on your automobile. You can control the amount of paint used in every layer and the number of layers to apply. This means you can design a custom paint job that is tailor-made for your car! You can also customize the color by mixing different colors to make a unique personal shade to flaunt your personality.
When the paint has designed to start to chip or peel away. This makes the car look and not so cool anymore. However, with a paint booth, this issue is eliminated! The sanding down process means the old paint is smoothed out and then painted again with fresh new paint on top. It makes it seem just like brand new again!
And when humans get to work hand-painting the cars, it actually takes ages to cover those on all relevant sides. However, with a paint booth, the entire process goes much quicker! While paint dries very fast in the booth so several layers can be applied in a shorter time. And since the booth is fully enclosed, nothing from the outside, like dust or wind, will ruin the paint job. This will help keep those nice, white wheels clean for many years!
It is probably natural to wonder what is so special about a paint booth that we cannot just paint the car anywhere. Some features that set these booths apart from others are: First, it has specialized ventilation systems. These systems purify the air by absorbing vapors, chemicals, or solvents that may be used by the painting process. This is very important because it provides protection for both the workers and the environment.
In addition, the booths have special overhead lighting to better see where that paint goes on while its being applied. Good lighting helps every layer of paint look nice and even. Also, the filters in the booth help keep a clean environment and prevent paint to mix with the dust or dirt something similar in it.
Karjoys 48 soat ichida qoniqarli dizaynni taqdim eta oladigan dizayn jamoasi bilan OEM va ODM xizmatlarini taklif qiladi. Kompaniya mijozlarga 24/7 kun davomida onlayn yordam ko'rsatadi, bu esa mijozlarga kerak bo'lganda o'z vaqtida yordam va xizmat ko'rsatishni ta'minlaydi.
Karjoys xalqaro sifat standartlariga muvofiqligini ta'minlovchi Idoralar, FCC, Germaniya ERP va Frantsiya ERP sertifikatlarini oldi. Kompaniyaning mahsulotlari nafaqat Xitoyning barcha shaharlari va viloyatlarida mashhur, balki AQSh, Yevropa, Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo, Yaqin Sharq va Avstraliya kabi mamlakatlarga ham eksport qilinadi.
Karjoys avtomobil kuzovlarini ta'mirlash, avtomobil mexanika do'konlari, shinalarni ta'mirlash, tez ta'mirlash va avtomobillarni go'zallashtirish xizmatlari kabi turli sohalarni qamrab olgan, mijozlarning keng ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun keng qamrovli avtomobillarga texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uskunalari va echimlarini loyihalash, ishlab chiqish va taqdim etishga ixtisoslashgan.
Kompaniya turli xil mahsulotlarni taklif etadi, shu jumladan purkagichli bo'yoq kabinalari, avtomobil ko'targichlari, shina almashtirgichlar, shinalar balanslagichlari, to'rt g'ildirakli 3D tekislash mashinalari, changsiz silliqlash mashinalari, qisqa to'lqinli infraqizil bo'yash lampalari, tish tortgichlar, AC tiklash mashinalari va boshqa avtomobillar texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun sarflanadigan materiallar, barchasi yuqori unumdorlik va chidamlilik uchun qattiq sifat nazoratiga javob berish uchun ishlab chiqarilgan.