Have you ever got into a car accident? Accidents do happen and they hurt your car. The most common problem is either a bent or damaged frame on the vehicle. It can also cause the car to not drive properly. Ideally, this won’t happen to you, as repairing a bent frame is not only very difficult to do but can also be quite expensive. That can be even more challenging without the proper tools to assist you! But don't worry! How do you do this, a 車のフレームマシン comes to the rescue! The Karjoys machine gives you confidence, as it does its job very efficiently returns your car to the road as soon as possible.
Machine that pulls the frame on a car. The function of this tool is to put pressure on the damaged places so the whole thing will be realigned. Once the frame is corrected, the car is once again able to drive and all functions similar to how it did previous to the crash. This machine is made to work efficiently and quickly, so it saves your time also money while getting your car repaired.
They employ the Karjoys frame puller machine which has robust hydraulic power to apply pulling and pushing on damaged areas of the automobile. Hydraulic power means the machine uses liquid under pressure to give strong force. A technician, who is a skilled worker, operates this machine. The technician is a person who knows how to operate the machine and will adjust it according to what the car requires. They use special measuring techniques to get it straightened out properly, and then they painstakingly pull the frame of the car back into place. Then the car will be good to drive again.
If you don't have a car frame puller machine, repairing a twisted frame can be a time-consuming and expensive process. As you are very much aware, Unfortunately, without the right tool, although it can be quite challenging to make sure that the car is mussel after the repairs. The machine uses a Karjoys frame puller to eliminate any guesswork, allowing technicians to more accurately realign the frame. Therefore, this ensures that the car can function without any issues and provides safety. It’s a bit like allowing the car to drive in-factory condition again!
To repair a bent frame on a car, it is really important that you get the right tool for the job. Karjoys frame puller machine is one of the best tools you can find. Also in general it has a good reputation when it comes to using it to straighten frames. That's exactly why people turn to Karjoys brand of auto repair.
同社は、スプレー塗装ブース、自動車リフト、タイヤチェンジャー、タイヤバランサー、3D 四輪アライメントマシン、無塵サンディングマシン、短波赤外線塗装硬化ランプ、デントプーラー、AC リカバリーマシン、その他の自動車メンテナンス消耗品など、さまざまな製品を提供しており、すべて高性能と耐久性のための厳格な品質管理を満たすように製造されています。
Karjoys は OEM および ODM サービスを提供しており、設計チームは 48 時間以内に満足のいく設計を提供できます。同社は 24 時間年中無休のオンライン カスタマー サポートを提供しており、顧客は必要なときにいつでもタイムリーなサポートとサービスを受けることができます。
Karjoys は、車体修理、自動車整備工場、タイヤ修理、クイック修理、自動車美容サービスなど、さまざまな分野を網羅した総合的な自動車メンテナンス機器およびソリューションの設計、開発、提供を専門とし、幅広い顧客ニーズに応えています。
Karjoys は CE、FCC、ドイツ ERP、フランス ERP 認証を取得しており、国際品質基準への準拠を保証しています。同社の製品は中国のすべての都市や省で人気があるだけでなく、米国、ヨーロッパ、東南アジア、中東、オーストラリアなどの国々にも輸出されています。